Installing a new shed on a property or building a garage doesn’t have to mean heavy excavation anymore. Our Postech screw piles are the perfect foundation solution for your next garage construction.

Our screw piles do not require pre-excavation and we eliminate any time you used to need for concrete to cure. You can start to apply loads immediately, enabling you to continue working and complete the job quicker no matter what time of year it may be.

Want to install a shed but you have a back yard that is uneven? This is no longer an issue as our thermal piles can be set to any depth and line up to ensure you have a level foundation every time.

Consider screw piles for your next garage construction. They are a fast, flexible and environmentally friendly foundation option that satisfies all residential building codes.

Additional features and advantages of Postech screw piles for garages include:

  • Quick and accurate installation
  • Removable and reusable product
  • Less down time = lower costs.
  • No damage to landscape
  • No excavation needed. Very Clean

We want to work with you to bring your ideas to life!

Are you searching for a company to add foundations that will last? At Postech Brantford, our screw piles are the most trusted screw piles ever designed. Guaranteed. We are there to help bring your vision to life and to help guide you through the process with ease.  Our years of experience allow us to guide you in the decisions that work best.

Get in touch with us today to turn your idea into a reality.  Complete the form to request your quote today.

Postech Brantford is a local Waterford, Ontario Canada contractor. We cover Brantford, Waterford, Simcoe, Port Dover, Turkey Point, Scotland and Delhi

Phone today for all residential or commercial quotes needed within Ontario, Canada.


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